Ba Hons Fashion Promotion And Communication
Arm yourself with the advanced skills for an exciting and challenging management career in the culinary environment of the hospitality industry. You can even boost your experience with an optional six-month placement. Gain a degree-level qualification with on-the-job learning and practical experience on our trailblazing Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship . Completing this course will give you graduate business management skills and professional recognition through Chartered Manager Status from the CMI. Education & Human Resource Management Ba Hons Graduate with invaluable work experience alongside your degree and stand out from the crowd. This course offers you the opportunity to enhance your study and CV with a sandwich year abroad. The University has partnerships with over 150 universities around the world, including the USA, Canada, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America and closer to home in Europe. These correspond to your first, second and third/final year of study....